The last thing this PINUP gal expected to come home to was an annoying buzz and itch on the bottom of her feet. What could have possibly gotten into her shoes and in her fishnet? What else but… GNATS. Tiny people, begging her for mercy, but she can barely see them. “No please! Help us! Help Us!!!”. What do these puny people get in return for annoying this GINORMOUS WOMAN… a HUGE FAT MIDDLE FINGER, all the screaming in the world won’t help them now, as she picks them out of her fishnets and flicks them into oblivion. This girl’s attitude is the max!! The first 3/4s she flicks away people to tiny to be seen, the last 1/4 her foot has tiny figurines trapped in her nets – No Audio
Trapped in Fishnets! Pinup Giantess picks helpless flea people out of her fishnets!
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Category: Gigantess
Full Video: 6 Minutes
Resolution: 1920x1080 MP4
Published: Posted on
Download Price: $6.99 USD